Roitt's Essential Immunology

Thirteenth Edition

Peter J. Delves, Seamus J. Martin, Dennis R. Burton, Ivan M. Roitt


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  1. Innate Immunity
  2. Specific acquired immunity
  3. Antibodies
  4. Membrane receptors for antigen
  5. The primary interaction with antigen
  6. Immunological methods and applications
  7. The anatomy of the immune response
  8. Lymphocyte activation
  9. The production of effectors
  10. Control mechanisms
  11. Ontogeny and phylogeny
  12. Adversarial strategies during infection
  13. Vaccines
  14. Immunodeficiency
  15. Hypersensitivity
  16. Transplantation
  17. Tumour immunology
  18. Autoimmune diseases